So for the past couple of nights I've been waking up at around 1-2am, without the tiredness required to immediately go back to sleep. Naturally, being the Generation Z that I am, I go on my phone to distract myself while my tiredness slowly comes back, otherwise I'd just be lying in bed.
I must say, it feels like a completely different perspective. I've already managed to catch a good BBS thread while it's still in its infancy. I managed to catch this poptaffy video the minute it was uploaded. Essentially, I'm seeing the North/South American users active during the evening, which I'd assume is when they have the most free time. That's not something a British person like me gets to see every day.
Still, given the choice I'd rather not wake up at this hour. It's very inconvenient and it fucks up my sleep schedule. Let's hope this resolves itself naturally.