My friend @aapiarts just released his very own game, Painter Blazer! It's an arcade-like action platformer where you play as Blazer, a rubber rabbit who just wants a job as a painter... but ends up getting a whole lot more than he bargained for!
The game is made up of three worlds, each containing 5 single-screen levels plus a boss fight at the end. Your goal is to paint all of the paintable areas in each level to progress, whether those are walls, paintings or leaking sewers. Sounds easy enough on its own... until you come face to face with the game's many different enemies who all want to see you BURST!
I beat the game for the first time earlier today, and I can honestly say it's really fun, even if it does get a bit hard towards the end. The controls feel nice and snappy, and there were very few times I didn't feel like each death was my fault. And as a character designer, I think the designs in this game are really creative and unique; one of the enemies is an angry bucket with feet. I love that.
Aapi has spent the past two years working on this game, and I honestly think he did an incredible job... and I promise I'm not just saying that because he's my friend! So if arcade puzzle-platformers sound like your thing, I kindly ask you to check his game out and show him some support!
Still need more convincing? It's on the front page of Newgrounds! If that doesn't say anything about its quality, nothing does!
I hope you enjoy playing through the game; I know I did!
-Glitch [ I - ]
I'm really happy you enjoyed the game this much to make a nice sized news post about it. Thank you. (Not a paid promotion)