Character designer, worldbuilder, and tiny robotic cube.

Glitch (and Gummi) @GlitchBuddy

England, UK

Joined on 5/24/22

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GlitchBuddy Update #1 - May 2024

Posted by GlitchBuddy - May 13th, 2024

For a while now, I've been wanting to make a series of blog posts where I can regularly provide updates on me, my life and my art. I call it "GlitchBuddy Update". Hopefully this can give you an insightful look into the daily goings-on into a robotic cube on the internet (and his small, slightly-squishy best friend).

Art & Newgrounds

KinitoPET Collab

As I'm writing this, around 24 hours remain until the Newgrounds KinitoPET Collab deadline. Overall, I'd say the collab has been pretty successful, although I plan to write a 'postmortem' after its release, in which I'll go more in depth on my thoughts and feelings surrounding it. It's been a pretty surreal experience, hosting my first ever collab, but one I'm glad I had.

BBS Signature

Recently I managed to do something I've been wanting to do for a very long time, and that is making my own Newgrounds BBS signature. I designed this one to showcase my most 'popular' (I guess you could say) characters and essentially serve as a sort of mini-ad for my NG page. I case you haven't seen it, here it is:


This was my first ever time animating in Krita and served as a pretty simple introduction. Working with the frames was a bit of a hassle, only compounded by the fact that, for whatever reason, I'd assumed I needed six frames instead of just two. Trust me, there was a LOT of mouse clicking involved. However, by the end of it, I came out with something I really liked.

I particularly enjoyed making the little pixel renders of my characters, and pixel art is something I might want to do more of in the future, although it would never replace my drawn art. By the way, do you notice anything... different about Ditko?

Ditko design update

During the production of the above BBS signature, I decided to give Ditko a brand-new pair of boots. My idea was that, since Ditko travels across so many unfamiliar dimensions, these boots would help him navigate through terrain that his normal feet weren't designed for. Their rubber soles provide grip, and they slightly extend out to either side to provide balance. Since I wanted to make his boots light grey, I changed the colour of his pouch to brown to provide variety.

I did end up making a quick doodle of his new design to show it off better:


I wanna do a proper drawing of this design at some point, although I'm not currently sure when this might be.

Evolving my art

I recently found out about the airbrush tool in Krita, and have started to make use of it in my more recent works, the first of which being "It'll grow on you". So far I've found it useful for portraying dim glowing lights, such as the eyes of the rock creature in the aforementioned artwork:


and the background in Kinito hacks Glitch:


It could also be a useful tool for adding more detail to characters in the future, although that would have to be determined on a case-by-case basis.

I also found this other brush in Krita, called "WaterC Special Blobs". No idea what the Krita developers thought was so special about these blobs, but I absolutely love them. I'm primarily using them to portray dirt, mould and the like, such as the moss on top of the rock creature (see above image), and a dirty, abandoned staircase in another project I've been working on. It creates an effect I really like. Both of these discoveries have so far been really useful, and I may look into using even more of Krita's brushes in my future work.

Gaming & Achievement Hunting

Written by Gummi

It's ya boi gum here, and it looks like I finally have a space to talk about my favourite hobby in the whole entire world: gaeming. When I'm not either fighting for my life or going on adventures with Glitch, there's nothing better in the world than sitting down in front of the TV (or the computer I guess) with a nice big tub of water beside me and playing until I can't play no more. It's not just that, though; I'm also into achievement hunting. It's great; I get to challenge myself in a video game, maybe do something I wouldn't have considered doing otherwise, and at the end of it all I get this nice little "hey, you did it" on my account that I can look at and say to myself "hey, I did it". Also I like seeing gamerscore and trophy levels go up. I'm a simple guy. Without further ado, let's get into where my gaming adventures have been taking me lately.

Grand Theft Auto V

I recently completed Grand Theft Auto V for the first time since I started playing it in... 2017? Maybe 2018? Back then I didn't really bother with the missions; I just drove around the map all the time. But I went into this specific playthrough with the intention of completing the game.

My favourite missions are generally the ones with big shootouts. As a controller user (don't ask me how) the autoaim makes me feel like a god... when it works, that is. My least favourite missions are the ones that have massive amounts of downtime. There's this one that comes to mind where you're in a helicopter and you're using police scanning technology to find a specific person. You have to go to an area, scan everyone in the area, find out he's not there, go to another area, scan everyone in that area, find out he's not there, go to another area, and finally he's there... and then you have to follow his car with the helicopter for what feels like the next minute and a half. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for downtime in-between action, but surely there's gotta be a better way to do it.

At the end, I picked the ending where you kill Trevor. It wasn't exactly the most glamorous ending; all you do is chase him around in your car until he crashes and then you set him on fire (spoilers for a decade old game by the way). The other choices you get are to kill Michael or to try and save all three characters, although I'm not sure if I'll play through the whole game again to experience those endings.

Woodle Tree Adventures

This is one I did for the achievements, the PS4 version specifically. For those of you who don't know, Woodle Tree is a series of indie 3D platformers created by the indie studio Chubby Pixel, and one that I'm personally a very big fan of. Like, come on man, look at the guy:


[Screenshot taken from the game's Steam page]

I bought both this game and the second one for dirt cheap during a sale. I much prefer the second game overall, but I figured I might as well play the first one too for the achievements.

Now let's get this clear first: Woodle Tree Adventures (the first one in the series) is not a good game. Don't get me wrong, this game was made largely by one person, and you can clearly see they've put a lot of effort and love into it. This is not one of those cheap cash-grab titles you see all over Steam, for instance. But when you get into playing it... oh boy. The controls are slippery, the soundtrack is depressing, the combat just doesn't work half the time, and you can't even rotate the camera. Like I said, I can appreciate the effort, but this still isn't one that I would recommend you play, unless you are a diehard Woodle Tree fan like me. Get the second game instead; Woodle Tree 2 is genuinely one of my favourite games ever.

The achievements were simple enough; complete this level, unlock this item, etc. I basically got all of them during normal playthrough, except one that required me to collect 3000 total berries. Eh, I've been through worse grinds.

Also, there's a bug that will sometimes blast the game's music at max volume if you press circle on the pause menu. So don't do that.

Doki-Doki Universe

And now we get to the game I've been playing through most recently - the PS4 version of Doki-Doki Universe, another indie title that was officially published by Sony and released as a PlayStation exclusive. It was directed by Greg Johnson, the same guy that co-created the Toejam & Earl series.

Doki-Doki universe is a game about a robot that must travel through various planets and learn concepts of "humanity" in order to stop his model being discontinued by the factory who made him. Despite how the premise sounds, it has a very comedic tone and an even more comedic artstyle:


[Icon from "Doki-Doki Universe Complete Story Planet Pack" from PlayStation Store]

It's an incredibly charming game where you get to talk to a whole cast of quirky and unusual characters and complete tasks for them in order to increase your level and, as previously mentioned, learn "humanity". As explained in the game itself, humanity isn't literally about being human, but rather about the qualities and emotions that make us up as humans, e.g. jealousy or love. There are also several "quiz asteroids" dotted in between the planets, each of where you get to answer a few personality questions in order to get an evaluation of your own personality at the end. I'd consider this one of the PS4's hidden gems, although I'd understand if the gameplay isn't for everyone.


Well, that's the first GlitchBuddy Update complete. I don't know how often I'll do these; maybe once a month will work, but no guarantees. Anyway, let me know what you all thought, and I'll see you in the next one!




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